Saturday 22 August 2015

Boy Remembers Being Killed In Past Life Tracks Down His Killer & Grave

While there are plenty of people out there who believe in reincarnation, whether because of their religion or a personal choice, it's rare that a past life can be proven. But when a three-year-old living in Golan Heights right near the Syrian border not only told of his past life, but solved the murder, few could deny the truth. This little boy is amazing.

Dr. Eli Lasch
Eli Lasch was a pediatrician. When he was the senior consultant coordinating health services in the Gaza Strip, he came upon a curious case of a three-year-old's past life. He was present for the entire ordeal and told of it to Trutz Hardo, who wrote the book Children Who Have Lived Before.

Golan Heights
This interesting real life tail took place in the Golan Heights region near the Syrian border. This area is mostly populated by the Druze, a Middle Eastern ethnoreligious group. The subject of this story, a three-year-old boy, was a member of this community.

Past Life
When Dr. Lasch met the three-year-old, he was saying that he had lived a past life. This isn't uncommon for children, especially those with active imaginations, but Lasch and the village elders decided to humor the boy.

Burial Site
As the boy told his story, he mentioned that he knew where his former body was buried. Luckily, it was nearby. He led people right to the spot and they started digging.

Body Found
Sure enough, they found a skeleton in the exact spot that the boy pointed out. What are the odds? While this may seem spectacular, it only gets spookier from here.

Axe Wound and Birthmark
Upon examining the skull of the skeleton, Dr. Lasch found an axe wound on the skull. The three-year-old boy had a birthmark on his forehead in the exact same spot. The Druze faith states that birthmarks are the physical mark of a past life's death wound.

Finding the Murder Weapon
Though the dead body may seem like a coincidence, the boy decided to take things a step further. He promised that he knew exactly where the murder weapon, an axe, was buried.

Another Dig
Since he had been right the first time, the village elders didn't even question it. They followed the boy to the spot and dug. Sure enough, they found an axe.

Past Hometown
The boy then led them to a nearby town where he said he lived in his past life. When the elders talked to those in town and mentioned the name that the little boy gave as his past life, everyone knew exactly who they were talking about. The name corresponded to a man that had gone missing just four years prior.

The Murderer
Finally, the boy pointed out who murdered him in a past life. When the boy and the village elders confronted the person he turned white with fright. They mentioned that they had found the body and the murder weapon, and the man confessed.

3-Year-Old Remembers Past Life & Identifies His Murderer
While certain aspects of this story could be chalked up to coincidence, when you put together all of the events, it's hard not to believe that this three-year-old boy really had a past life. What do you think?

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