Thursday 19 November 2015

A Model Walked Around NYC With Painted Pants, People's Reactions Not As Expected.

If you saw a person walking around New York City with no pants on, do you think you’d notice? It might not be as easy to spot as you’d think!
A talented makeup artist painted model Leah Jung’s legs to look as though she were wearing jeans. With close attention to detail--including stitching and very believable ripped details.
Leah was then sent out onto the streets of Manhattan’s Midtown neighborhood with a hidden camera crew to see just how many people would notice.
As the model walked around, cameras filmed behind her, trying to catch people’s reaction. She even walked up and down the steps of the notoriously busy Times Square, and no one even turned their heads!
 Not even customers standing within arm's length of her at a McDonald’s noticed the trick! Looks like they were more interested in getting some burgers than in checking out her buns.
Not even a packed subway was enough to get Leah noticed! People just enjoyed their commute in the normal fashion, not one of them even noticing that there was a barely clothed woman in their midst! Her butt is in that guy’s face and he still didn’t notice!

FINALLY one man notices! But wait a minute...what is he doing? Do you really need to get that close, man? You think she won’t notice you back there? But at least somebody finally noticed!

forever 21                 

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