Thursday 19 November 2015

French Air force Drops 20 Bombs On ISIS Targets In Syria Following Paris Attacks!

After the terrorist attack that killed at least 129 people, the French air force carried out bombing missings on ISIS targets in Raqqa, Syria, for a second day in a row.
On Monday, France targeted a command center, a recruitment center, an ammunition storage base and a training in the city.
Mostly the suburbs were hit, but in the city, the stadium and the museum were also struck. ISIS apparently uses the museum and the stadium as jails. Its headquarters are also in the stadium.
French bombs may have also killed few of the militants. According to several websites, streets have been empty and markets look less crowded.
According to CNN, no civilian casualties have been reported and the civilian population does not seem particularly worried.
On Monday, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said that ‘war’ had been declared on France and that ‘anybody who attacks the Republic, the Republic will fight back’.
France has been part of the U.S.-led coalition of nations fighting ISIS from the air, but after Friday’s attacks France has flown more sorties.

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